Friday, August 26, 2011

The Acquired Taste of Awkward

What's more awkward than silence? Seventh Graders.

So it is official. After talking about it for months, I have finally started my student teaching. I haven't done too much yet seeing as school doesn't start for the district until Monday, but I have met all my 7th graders for a half day orientation and there are a couple things I have noticed.

Seventh grade is the most awkward pubescent stage. Of your whole life.

Some boys are already shaving, using a stick of deodorant a week and covered in acne while others still have their baby fat, peach fuzz and have yet to make it to five foot.

Some girls have absolutely mastered the straightener and mascara while others...might not know what those things are...

Along with enough metal in braces to line the streets of Tokyo.

Nonetheless! They are so great. They're silent when you're talking, laugh at the dumbest things, can't make a joke let alone take one, don't realize we did hear them, we're just ignoring them, follow directions immediately, bring all of office depot in their small animal sized binders and look at you like you are the coolest things since they learned about manual windows. I know. We're talking big time here.

Meanwhile I am getting used to introducing myself as Ms. Kern and not laughing when they call each other names. It's a lot harder than you would think. But I am loving every minute of it! Bring on the awkward because if it kills me they will be texting in complete sentences with the correct your, you're and there their and they're because yes friends, it does matter and it does make a difference.


  1. Don't forget two, to, and too!

    Also, I love you! Have fun :)

  2. Your awesome Erika! j/k... I know it's you're ;)
