Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A Week of Extraordinary Events

If you haven't noticed yet, I basically have the best friends and family ever. I don't know how I got so lucky, but I wouldn't trade the people in my life for anything. The week leading up to my birthday was one that is incomparable to any week I have had concerning people reaching out to me and helping me so much. It was so fun and so many things went on that were 100% successful.

My mom threw me a Murder Mystery dinner party that my best friends were invited to attend as well. It was admittedly kind of an eclectic group and it was SO fun. The costumes were great, the story was intriguing and the jokes were hilarious. It was a Luau and my backyard has never felt more like Hawaii.
The fabulous table my mom set.

The more than perfect screen Ali and Drew found at Savers

And the characters/costumes!
The Ladies:

The Gentlemen:

 As couples:

 And the group!

 It was so much fun to have everyone all dressed up and  enjoy an evening with some relatively high brow humor...and delicious food prepared by my awesome mom.

The next day I happened to go to the this concert

And it was awesome. Think what you will, but I love punk-pop, always have. This was such a fun concert and you know when they throw out their guitar picks and stuff? Well I am not one to go jumping all over to get one, but the summer set lead guitarist literally hit me with his pick. The girls in front of me were totally jealous. But it was rightfully mine since I was inadvertently the last person to touch it. So that basically made my night, but then later, one of the people I was with I guess caught a drum stick that was thrown out from We the Kings and gave it to me! So that too was a more than pleasant surprise and I have the best souvenirs ever! Here they are, in all their glory.

Next up, my dear friends got together and created the decorations for my the upcoming birthday party. We were all up and crafting and it was so much fun. I so appreciate them for all their hard work. It turned out so cute (pictures below) and I could not have done it without them. We also decided we are started in a crafting circle. It'll happen. 

Then for all my momma does for me, she and I went on a mom-daughter date to see this movie:

Because we both have read and loved the book. It really is one of those stories that changes your entire perspective on what life was like not that long ago. The movie was so true to the book which is greatly appreciated by all those who read the book and loved it. I recommend it a hundred times over. And Emma Stone is one of my favorites and she definitely did not disappoint with this performance. 

The next day, my good friend Vicki whose birthday is only a week before mine went out to celebrate our days. It was so fun, we have been doing this for the last 4 years I think and it has been my pleasure to see her turn 19! 

I love our silly faces. Very much encapsulates our relationship and personalities fully. After we went to Jamba we went to target to look around since Vicki had a gift card there. She loves movies so we naturally went over there and were looking around. She grabs House Bunny with no hesitation as well as Marley and Me. It made my life and just proved again that she is my girl! 

So since I turned 21 I figured that a mocktail was the perfect way to celebrate the occasion. My friends helped me get the decorations ready, my mom and I got the drinks and food, my dad cleaned up the yard so that everything would be at its very best for the event. It turned out to be so much fun and I just felt an outpouring of love and support from all those who attended. It was great! And I will let the pictures do the rest of the explaining!
The Drink Table

The Refreshment Table

The Pinwheels, compliments of Ali

Croquet and Pinwheels

My grandparents came too :)

Me and my Dad

Vicki in her beautiful dress!

I know, I have got some good looking friends

Cause why not?

The best friends that could be asked for!

Drew took all the pictures, so awesome

We had a nasty shot.

It was super sour.

Bottoms up!

So the guys at the end decided to take some of our Jewish heritage into practice and they lifted me on my chair. I loved it. Haylee joined in too

Winding down

And then shout out to my mom for making me my dress and finding me my shoes. I got compliments that should have been given to her, best little black dress ever.

So there it is. All this before my birthday even occurred. Like I said. I have the best family and friends ever. It was the greatest birthday week ever! 


  1. Your mom rocks! Always has, always will. :) I was super bummed to miss your mocktail--I almost came home from my cabin early, but that would be with 4 unhappy siblings in tow. It looked pretty fabulous though! Happy Birthday!

  2. I used to think that white people looked dead in yellow. I stand corrected. You look FABULOUS in yellow!
