Tuesday, April 26, 2011

People Still Do That?

Maybe I'm a little naive and maybe I have been in the 'Rexburg bubble' a bit too long, but something completely caught me off guard one of the first times I was driving around Salt Lake again after I moved home. I was on the freeway, it was snowing and I look over and see the car next to has their window down. My thought process:

"Why in the world....


Is that a cigarette?"

At this point I was a little in shock. People still smoke?? I don't know what I was thinking (or apparently not thinking), but honestly, hasn't the general populace heard that smoking kinda sucks? (Pun not intended) I guess I had figured it had gone the way of corsets, acid-washed jeans, stirrup pants, and Rosie O'Donald. Not that these weren't hugely popular and made their statement, but eventually people realized the statements weren't that great and they just looked ridiculous. But I guess some people missed the giant, highly advertised and clearly stated memo with this one.

A brief recap for those people of why smoking is bad:
It stinks, it stains your teeth, you're constantly isolated into smoking sections, it's expensive, it CAUSES CANCER which WILL lead to your premature DEATH. And the best part...
None of this is a secret.

Billboards, after-school programs, commercials, awareness campaigns all about anti-smoking. Pictures, websites, clinically proven results that smoking kills. And yet people are still lighting up. Not rocket science people. Do a Google search.

Is (the smoking part of) humanity so dim? Oh the irony.

Lucky for the rest of us, survival of the fittest right? You make your lung black and full of tar and I'll live to tell the tale. Your call.


1 comment:

  1. P.S. I love that you have a blog. I've been thinking for a long time that I bet it'd be highly entertaining. I was right. Keep up the good work!
